.. _download-install: Download and install instructions ================================= Python Package Index (PyPI) --------------------------- You can install OERPLib with the `easy_install` tool:: $ easy_install oerplib Or with `pip`:: $ pip install oerplib An alternative way is to download the tarball from `Python Package Index `_ page, and install manually (replace `X.Y.Z` accordingly):: $ wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/O/OERPLib/OERPLib-X.Y.Z.tar.gz $ tar xzvf OERPLib-X.Y.Z.tar.gz $ cd OERPLib-X.Y.Z $ python setup.py install No dependency is required except `pydot `_ for some methods of the :class:`inspect ` service (optional). Source code ----------- The project is hosted on `Launchpad `_. To get the current development branch (the ``trunk``), just type:: $ bzr branch lp:oerplib For the last version of a stable branch (replace `X.Y` accordingly):: $ bzr branch lp:oerplib/X.Y Run tests --------- .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Unit tests depends on `unittest2` (Python 2.3+) or `unittest` (Python 2.7 and 3.x), and `argparse`. To run unit tests from the project directory, run the following command:: $ PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH ./tests/runtests.py --help Then, set your parameters in order to indicate the `OpenERP` server on which you want to perform the tests, for instance:: $ PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH ./tests/runtests.py --create_db --server --test_xmlrpc --xmlrpc_port 8069 The name of the database created is ``oerplib-test`` by default.